by JohnM | Mar 27, 2009 | Wireless News
NewsDesk for week-ending 27/03/2009: Telefonica and Vodafone agree to share their network infrastructure; plus thinking outside the iPhone box; touch technology like you’ve never felt before and Google’s Street View caught with its pants down!...
by JohnM | Mar 26, 2009 | Wireless News
By Alex Wright – Royal Gazette The latest phase of the technology revolution has finally arrived in Bermuda with the launch of the new 3G network and Apple iPhone 3G by M3 Wireless. The new devices were officially unveiled by Michael Beckles, chief operations...
by JohnM | Mar 26, 2009 | Wireless News
Good day All, The news is: – M3 Wireless introduced Unlimited Local Voice, Text Messages and Data*, with some international text messages thrown in, for $153. Before, their offering was $238 for a comparable package. – Digicel have been heavily promoting...
by JohnM | Mar 25, 2009 | Wireless News
M3 unleashes an innovative 3G Network with the revolutionary Apple iPhone 3G Hamilton, Bermuda — (March 25, 2009)M3 Wireless is pleased to announce the introduction of new 3G network and the Apple iPhone 3G. Available now at the M3 Wireless retail store on...
by JohnM | Mar 21, 2009 | Wireless News
Wow, in an economy where prices are being slashed to attract and retain customers, one carrier in Canada is actually raising them? Perhaps we should consider ourselves lucky then? Posted by Michael Bettiol on Mar 17, 2009 10:24 am 17 comments Filed in BlackBerry,...
by JohnM | Mar 21, 2009 | Wireless News
Well we hope you are not getting sick of all the iPhone 3.0 news, but hey, the iPhone is coming to Bermuda at a carrier near you soon! Posted by Zach Epstein on Mar 17, 2009 2:30 pm 136 comments Filed in Apple, Handsets, Mac OS, Software We all know as soon as a...