Suit Makes BlackBerry Whine- Service Ending Soon?

From InformationWeek:By Elena Malykhina InformationWeek Feb 6, 2006 12:01 AM   Wireless E-mail users should circle Feb. 24 on their calendars. That’s when a federal judge may decide the future of Research In Motion’s BlackBerry service in the United States...

RIM rivals cash in as BlackBerry hearing looms

The following is from CNET and continues to amaze me how folks are acting like the sky is falling if RIM gets cut off in the US. All the current RIM users have to do is try something else, and they will see much better alternatives out there.   Competitors...

Cingular unbothered by Blackberry’s woes

By Lilla Zuill, Royal Gazette Blackberry users in Bermuda can breathe a sigh of relief: Service for the popular handheld communication devices is unlikely to be suspended because of US legal actions against Research In Motion Limited, the device’s manufacturer.“I am...

Blackberry Alternatives

Original link and story,   BlackBerry alternatives   January 23, 2006Research in Motion was dealt a nasty blow in its ongoing legal battle with NTP, a small holding company suing RIM for patent...

VCs support for WiMAX lukewarm so far

From Zdnet Posted by Russell Shaw @ 7:51 am The first WiMAX-certified products are expected to be announced today at the Wireless Communications Association convention in San Jose. Image from How Stuff Works. These products, though, will only be for the "fixed...