by JohnM | Oct 7, 2008 | Wireless News
Now when is this going to hit the Bermuda streets? M3 or Digicel, who is going to be first! Posted by The Boy Genius on Oct 6, 2008 9:27 pm
by JohnM | Sep 26, 2008 | Wireless News
T-Mobile G1 This week the T-Mobile G1 (aka HTC Dream) was officially unveiled to the world. It’s the first smartphone to use Google’s Android operating system, and features a touch-screen interface, a QWERTY keyboard, Wi-Fi, 3G, GPS, a music player, and...
by JohnM | Sep 26, 2008 | Computers and Internet, Wireless News
NewsDesk for week-ending 26/09/2008: Google’s Android phone finally bursts on the scene. Plus, 150 years of transatlantic cable, busy week for the European Commission as SMS roaming prices drop & the telecoms package fails to pass, and making phones for the silver...
by JohnM | Sep 14, 2008 | Wireless News
We reported earlier that Digicel was going to be the first to offer the Blackberry Bold in Bermuda, but as it turns out, M3 Wireless ACTUALLY HAS THEM in stock for sale, whereas it appears that Digicel has been selling Pre-orders to the public. MORE importantly, M3 is...
by JohnM | Sep 6, 2008 | Wireless News
Digicel has announced it has added the BlackBerry Bold smartphone to its range of handsets. The Bold is the first BlackBerry to support tri-band high-speed networks around the world and comes with integrated GPS and Wi-Fi, as well as a set of multimedia capabilities....
by JohnM | Sep 4, 2008 | Wireless News
This is pretty neat, although I have not tried it yet myself.