New Information – February 26th, 2007- From

6:00pm: I’m just back from my business trip in Europe and have just spoke with TiVo directly (Alison in the channel line-up team) and she is going to escalate to corporate again to have them setup a conference call with me, some other TiVo experts in Bermuda and the TiVo executive team. She is confident that this will be resolved in the next few weeks and TiVo will be re-enabled / fully supported in Bermuda. So great news!!!

In the meantime, a few people have successfully secured 3 months free service from TiVo because the Bermuda channel line-up doesn’t work. So if you want TiVo to stop charging your credit card, simply call in, tell them you would like a 3 month credit while the Line-up Team sorts out the Bermuda problem.