Our Business Is Helping Your Business Succeed

Its all about relationships. Relationships with our customers. Your relationships with your customers. Helping our clients succeed. By listening, really listening and understanding our customer’s requirements, existing situation, history and hopes and dreams, we are able to really provide solutions to problems and ideas that grow the companies we serve.

With this in mind, here are some of the areas that we focus on:

Business Development

We help our customers grow their business. Whether it is through new revenue, new strategy, new acquisition we show our customers the way to new growth and profitability. We look at the market, the existing customer base and the product and service portfolio in place to see where new opportunity may lie and then put together the plan and guide the implementation to maximize success.


Product Development

Let us help define your next product or service, or even re-invent the existing ones that you have today. We can assist with business plans, product design and definition, implementation, pricing and positioning in the Marketplace along with web presence and design. We can work with your marketing team to assist with segmentation or consolidation to get the most return on any investment or effort.

We create ideas. Ideas that lead to revenue. We use a proven format for coming up with ideas that can be monetized. There is no point coming up with ideas that sound good if no-one actually wants to buy it! We take ideas and test them, then turn those ideas into money for your company.

Project Management

We have Project Management experience going back 20 years in all aspects of business and all types of companies, from IT to Telecoms to Retail, we have the expertise and experience to get your projects on track,  on budget and on time.

If you would like more information or would like to know how we can provide a quote, contact us here

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

It always happens when you least expect it. A hurricane that was supposed to pass by or fire or flooding or any unexpected event that causes you to lose primary systems, services or information and prevent you from being able to operate effectively.  You must have effective systems, controls and backup processes in place to ensure you can be back up and running as quickly as possible, with the least amount of impact financially.

Many companies think they have it all covered. Many find out upon a catastrophic event that this is not the case. And that is the wrong time to find out.

We have a thorough approach to the whole business continuity process. Not just from an IT perspective or technology review, but a whole company view operationally and what you require to support ongoing operation if a catastrophic event is to take place.


Telecom Products & Services

We’ve been in the industry a long time having started the first GSM network in the Atlantic region. If you need help developing your network, your strategy or your roaming footprint, then we can help you as we’ve done so for numerous operators in the region.

For more information visit our Telecom Services section here

Website Design

Our team of world class web design professionals are dedicated to delivering your corporate message.  We are fluent with all the latest web design styles and technologies and will work with you to deliver the perfect corporate image online.

We look forward to the opportunity to earn your business.  Ask about our references.

See our Website Design and Services here

If you would like more information or would like to know how we can provide a quote, contact us here.

Business Website Content Management

We can bring a world class website online for your business that YOU can be in control of.  By utilizing a Content Management System (CMS), you can add/edit/delete your own website content, without needing to know HTML programming.  A CMS hosted by our hosting partner allows you to concentrate on what you do best, telling the world about your website, in your own words. Let us worry about the ‘tech’ behind your website.

Social Media Management

We have your social media covered. Not only do we manage our own, but we manage a number of our clients and partners as well.

Contact us directly to see how we can help not only boost your reach, but turn reach into revenue.

Click here for more info on our Social Media Management services. 


Photography, Video & Editing

We are blessed to live and work in a beautiful country and have attempted to capture some of the beauty here (and some from abroad) in digital form. We also provide images to Bernews.com  as part of our photo journalism services and we post the Photo Of The Day every day for them….more